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Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Dmitri:

The California Hart Hoards • Pearl Preston • Zoe Teal • The Landy Howland Family • Marco Esters & Lena Trotochaud • E. Johnston & L. Riegel • Dane, Kye, Oliver, & Miho • Kenzie Schmick • Katrina Mock • Mark Brazil • Airik, Larry, & Alibi Scott • Dottie Kemp • Leah & Kevin • Michael & Ann Caughron

Business Partner Adopters of Dmitri:

Mountain Rose Herbs

Dmitri was hatched in human care in St. Louis, Missouri, at the World Bird Sanctuary. He joined the Raptor Center’s education team in 2010 at just 2 months old to help us expand fundraising and educational outreach opportunities.

As a non–native species, Dmitri can go where native ambassador raptors cannot, due to federal regulations. He specializes in making appearances at private events and community fundraisers. He’s also a skilled and enthusiastic flyer, and frequently wows guests with his impressive wingspan and silent flight during training sessions.

In spite of their name, Eurasian Eagle-Owls are not related to eagles; the term comes from their massive size. They are the heaviest owl in the world and females of the species can weigh up to 9 pounds.

Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now

Cascades Raptor Center

32275 Fox Hollow Rd. ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

Mail donations to:
PO Box 5386 ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

EIN #93-1038827

Open Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 5pm (closed Mondays, except Memorial Day and Labor Day)

Photos on this website may not be shared or used without explicit written consent from Cascades Raptor Center (CRC).
Photos taken of CRC resident birds may not be used for commercial purposes without CRC’s written consent.
