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Please note: We cannot currently respond to any cases involving waterfowl, wading birds, or shorebirds. These birds are the most likely to spread Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), which is currently circulating in our area.

Click here for more information about avian flu.

Found an Animal?

Please call our raptor hotline at 541-485-1320 ext. 1 between 8 am-6 pm.

Click here for wildlife emergency instructions.

The Louise Shimmel Wildlife Hospital

At our raptor clinic, we receive over 400 patients every year. We are dedicated to providing them top-quality care every step of the way, from intake to release.

It takes a whole community to care for these raptors – will you help us help these birds?


Call our hotline 8am – 6pm
at 541-485-1320, ext. 1

Other contact numbers:

Chintimini Wildlife Center
(541) 745-5324

Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife:
1 (800) 720-6339

List of licensed Oregon wildlife rehabilitators

Animal Help Now
Nationwide directory of rehabilitation facilities and more

What does a rehabilitator do?

We are paramedics stopping bleeding, treating for shock, providing emergency fluids, doing physical exams, immobilizing fractures, administering antibiotics.

We are laboratory technicians  drawing and analyzing blood for anemia, parasites, and signs of disease or starvation; analyzing fecal samples for parasites, bacteria, and blood; x-raying for fractures or other problems. Our staff veterinarian works with several generous off-site veterinarians who donate their services for surgery and consulting.

We are nurses – changing bandages and bedding, cleaning wounds, giving shots, administering medications.

We are dietitians calculating the calories necessary for growth and healing, presenting the food in a way most conducive to self-feeding, making sure our patients are eating.

We are farmers – raising the live mice used for teaching birds to hunt.

We are custodians  hosing down carriers, washing dishes, disinfecting incubators, laundering bedding, cleaning constantly!

We are physical therapists  providing range of motion exercises to help loosen stiff joints and strengthen weakened muscles.

We are naturalists  utilizing our knowledge of a species’s habitat, diet, and behavior in creating personalized treatment regimens for each bird.

And, finally, for each patient, we have to be the judges for a very difficult decision: Can this bird be released? Our first priority is always the welfare of the animal, and we must be confident that any bird we release is able to thrive in the wild – to fly, catch food, find and defend a territory, attract a mate, reproduce, and migrate as appropriate to its species.

Our rehabilitation work is done under permits from both the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Cascades Raptor Center has two licensed rehabilitators, with combined experience of over 45 years in the field; we have also 7 consulting veterinarians including board-certified avian, surgery, and ophthalmology specialists.

Raptor Release

When a raptor is ready, their release is a beautiful moment to behold!

During our 25th anniversary and annual benefit dinner at King Estate Winery, two Northern Harriers were released. The birds originally came to us as orphaned nestlings.

Video by Tim Fox, Country 93 Radio

Cascades Raptor Center

32275 Fox Hollow Rd. ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

Mail donations to:
PO Box 5386 ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

EIN #93-1038827

Open Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 5pm (closed Mondays, except Memorial Day and Labor Day)

Photos on this website may not be shared or used without explicit written consent from Cascades Raptor Center (CRC).
Photos taken of CRC resident birds may not be used for commercial purposes without CRC’s written consent.
