Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Taka:
Laura Bess • In memory of Michael Wiederhold • Philip W. Golding • Bonnie Pasquarelli • Tonya Poitevint in memory of Val Mencas • Tom & Kathleen Valdes
Taka was an adult when he came into human care to UC Davis Veterinary School’s Raptor Center in September 2001. After spending some time with another education program in California, he joined Cascades Raptor Center’s ambassador team in April 2003.
Taka is one of our most avid nest builders, constructing a stick nest on a high platform in his aviary every year using branches his trainers bring him. Visit in the spring or early summer and you may see him at work. When not building nests, Taka might be found out with one of his trainers meeting guests.
The word taka is Japanese for “hawk”.
Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now