Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Nike:
Benji & Sophie Rinaldi • Janet McClennen • Catherine • Frank & Ellie Carson • Jim Robinson • Joe & Alexis Truitt • Erin Curran-Tileston • Des Runner • Andrew P. Creighton
Nike came into human care in Long Beach Peninsula in Washington in February 2005. She was transferred to Cascades Raptor Center in March of 2005.
During the day it’s common to see Nike “wing rowing” – vigorously flapping her wings while still perched. This is a common behavior among raptors, especially falcons, to help build muscle and stay in top physical condition.
Gyrfalcons (pronounced JEER-falcon) are primarily an Arctic species but can sometimes be found overwintering farther south. They are the largest falcon in the world and one of the fastest raptors in level flight, able to reach speeds of 70 miles per hour.
Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now