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Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Max:

Sidne Horton • Emerald Broadband • Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District • June & Brian Bakshas • Charles V. Beaudet • Anonymous • Dan Trujillo • Cheryl Milas

Max, a Peregrine Falcon, was hatched in 2016 in Olympia, Washington. At a very young age, he moved to Haines, Alaska, where he worked as an educational ambassador. He has traveled for programs all over southeast Alaska, and even internationally to the Yukon Territory, Canada. Max joined the Cascades Raptor Center team in April 2023.

Like most of the falcons on Cascades’ ambassador team, Max is a loud talker and can often be heard “ee-chupping” when he sees training staff. When not meeting guests, Max can often be found playing with his toys, and sometimes even brings them with him to training sessions.

Cascades Raptor Center

32275 Fox Hollow Rd. ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

Mail donations to:
PO Box 5386 ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

EIN #93-1038827

Open Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 5pm (closed Mondays, except Memorial Day and Labor Day)

Photos on this website may not be shared or used without explicit written consent from Cascades Raptor Center (CRC).
Photos taken of CRC resident birds may not be used for commercial purposes without CRC’s written consent.
