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Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Kirby:

In loving memory of Debbie McNamara • Old Crow Coffee • Janet McClennen • Susan Hilton • • Gordon Owens • Jordon, Sarah, & Perrin Huppert • In loving memory of Michael Wiederhold • Edith Gerondale

Kirby was found as a fledgling in a workshop in Junction City, Oregon, in August of 2020. She was very thin, dehydrated, and tired, and was completely unafraid of humans. Upon arriving in our hospital, she began begging for food from her caretakers and showed no recognition of the other American Kestrels with which she was being housed.

Based on Kirby’s behavior, staff determined she had been illegally raised by a well-meaning but uninformed member of the public and become imprinted on humans. If you find an orphaned, injured, or ill wild animal, it is essential to seek out professional help immediately!

Kestrels are the smallest species of falcon in North America. These tiny predators can often be seen hovering over open fields or perched on power lines, bobbing their heads and tails as they look for prey.

Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now
