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Gold and Platinum Level Adopters of Kali:

Sara Parker & Tommy Schreiner • Diane Simmons • Alyssa Wassil • The Wilde Family • Margie Paris • Rocco Passaretti • Joel & Patrick Goeres • Joyce Trawle & Douglas Berg

Kali was found as one of two eggs in a nest at a logging site in 2003. Her parents had apparently abandoned the nest due to the logging disturbance. The eggs were incubated, and after they hatched 30 days later, were turned over to a rehabilitator.

At the rehabilitation facility, every precaution was taken to keep her from imprinting on humans. She was housed with a sibling and then later with an adult vulture, and only ever saw humans with their faces covered (a common practice used in wildlife hospitals to prevent imprinting in young birds). Yet on release, even with her sibling and wild vultures present, she kept coming down to interact with humans.  Kali joined the ambassador team in November of 2003.

Turkey Vultures are intelligent and inquisitive, and Kali is no exception. She is highly curious about visitors and quick to learn new behaviors for positive reinforcement.

Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now

Cascades Raptor Center

32275 Fox Hollow Rd. ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

Mail donations to:
PO Box 5386 ∙ Eugene, OR 97405

EIN #93-1038827

Open Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 5pm (closed Mondays, except Memorial Day and Labor Day)

Photos on this website may not be shared or used without explicit written consent from Cascades Raptor Center (CRC).
Photos taken of CRC resident birds may not be used for commercial purposes without CRC’s written consent.
