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Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Atticus:

Collin & Hadley Birmingham • The Starfish Class 2024 • The Glaser Family • Jean Ann Cain • Violet & Calvin Diehl • Jaime Yoder • EagleVision • Judith & Donald Teal • Daya Khalsa-Mann • Lisa & Randy Hawk • Edwin Sather • Jane & Alan Helfen • Jorga Brown, DVM • In memory of Arlene & Jason Whalen

Atticus was hatched in Minnesota in 1988, as part of a breeding program to increase Bald Eagle numbers in the wild. However, after several release attempts, he ended up back in human care when he was only a year old. He first joined the education program at Georgia Southern University, then lived at several other facilities before, in the fall of 2016, he came to Cascades and found his forever home.

Compared to most Bald Eagles, Atticus is quite small, and it’s suspected that his genetics might originate in Florida, where the warmer weather is associated with a smaller size in this species.

Spanish bird biographies by CrossCultural Now
