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Gold & Platinum Level Adopters of Newton:

Karen Fedell & Nancy & Jason Kamholz • Connie & Domino McArthur • Patty Biasca & Bob Anderson • In honor of Bennett Page and his father • Canyon McCardel & YaYa Simmons

Newton was hatched at a facility in Colorado and was 4 weeks old when he joined Cascades Raptor Center in July of 2013. Growing up with people gave Newton the background he needed to be calm and confident as an educational ambassador. Like all Accipiters (forest hawks), Goshawks tend to be challenging birds in human care unless raised in this environment from a very young age.

To prepare Newton for his work with us, he was introduced to many new and challenging situations in his first weeks. He met lots of different people, spent time around other birds, and traveled to unfamiliar locations. This helped accustom him to the conditions of education work very early on. He taught his first program before he could even fly! To demonstrate the hunting style of American Goshawks, he is trained to catch small objects out of the air while in flight.

Biografías de aves en español por CrossCultural Now

Español de México