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Gold and Platinum Level Adopters of Apollonia:

Jon LaBranch • Milly, Sage, & Halina Schuman • Jason Michael Cope • Danielle R. Ireland • Spunky Gray & Barb Tyler • Max & Anne Stephenson • Kellen Moore • Don & Amy Edgecomb

Apollonia hatched in 2016 and spent only 5 days in the wild before coming into human care at Cascades Raptor Center. When the property owners at her nest site had noticed that the female parent was no longer feeding her or her nestmates, the young harriers were brought in to our wildlife hospital.

Because Apollonia was unusually small and required intensive care, clinic staff had to separate her from her larger siblings for her own safety. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service gave Cascades Raptor Center permission to raise Apollonia as an ambassador, while the other nestlings were successfully trained for release into the wild.

Apollonia frequently demonstrates the aerial acrobatics of her species as she moves about her aviary. She is an eager participant in positive reinforcement training, choosing to load into her travel crate on cue, and loves searching for the food items trainers hide in the grass of her aviary for enrichment.

Biografías de aves en español por CrossCultural Now

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