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Requesting a charitable donation?

Please read below for eligibility requirements before submitting your request.

What do we donate?

Our standard charitable donation is either:

1 Group Pass: a single-use pass good for admission for up to 4 people, OR
1 Household Membership: see here for full description

To be considered for a donation request, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your organization is located in Lane County
  • You are using the donation for a raffle or auction as a charitable fundraiser
  • You have not already received a donation from us this year

We do not donate to the following:

  • Organizations outside Lane County
  • For-profit businesses
  • Religious organizations
  • Political organizations
  • Fraternal, athletic, or social clubs
  • Private parties (individuals or families)

If you are interested in gifting a membership or pass but are not eligible for a donation, you can also purchase either of these on our website:
Purchase a membership
Purchase a group pass

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